Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mr Ponder, and friends

Mr Ponder, and friends

While you may disagree with the supreme court, but unfortunately some families and some women must make this difficult choice. One of the great features of this country is that we may disagree and still both be entitled to our own opinion.

And if you support the idea that those people who do not appreciate the legal right to abortion, shouldn't be forced to pay for it. I wonder if you would extend that same right to those who oppose wars and treaties with which they disagree. Should I be allowed to UNFUND the war on Iraq?

Can I withdraw my support of the secret war on Venezuela or Iran.

If you demand the right to have your taxes, not be spent for tax supported abortion. can I get a hold on any of my tax money spent spying on Americans or prisoners held indefinitely in secret prisons?

Isn't that fair, by the same reasoning?

solidarity & peace
Rick Spisak

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What if it were APPLES?

A Guest Column by Ms. A. W.
Health Care Activist

For argument’s sake, replace the words “insurance” or “health care” with something more generic, such as “apples,” and see if our representatives’ viewpoints make sense.

In the United States, one of the most developed countries in the world, many people go without apples. People need apples to stay healthy and prosper, and to support their families. The better apples someone has, the more likely they are to stay healthy and be productive.

If you are old enough or poor enough, the government provides you with apples. If not, private companies sell apples to people who are healthy enough and can afford apples. More than 50 percent of all personal bankruptcies are due to the cost of apples. Some apples cost about $500 per person per month! In Florida, more than 3.6 million people, including 800,000 children, go apple-less.

There is a proposal that would allow the government to distribute apples to the general public. This “public option” would open up the apple market to all individuals and lower apple prices while increasing the size of the apple market. Experts say this plan would pay for itself and not cost most taxpayers any more than they pay now to help out the people who can’t get apples.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Say Yes, to a Robust Public Option

We must dismantle the deadly practice of health care rationing by the private insurance companies answerable to no one. Dollars should not determine whether children and families should suffer and die when treatment options are available. I have worked as a technical and creative professional for over 20 years. The majority of small businesses who have employed me and other technical professionals like me, offer no insurance. My wife and I both suffer from conditions that stem from a life joyously and fully led.

The Medical Insurance industry uses the term "pre-existing conditions" to deny coverage or services, or simply refuse to honor contractual obligations. When last my wife and I priced even a minimum medical catastrophic coverage, the monthly fees were nearly double a mortgage obtained during the real estate bubble. Three mortgages are not in our budget - so as the gentlemen from the Health Insurance Lobbying Wing of the House would have it -
"We CHOSE, to go NAKED.*"

We can not as educators, and artists, afford to pay a monthly fee double our mortgages, especially knowing that the areas of our greatest medical necessity are preemptively ruled out as "pre-existing conditions". The effect of current Medical Insurance practice is that the Medical Insurance industry will take your money, promptly each month and then drag it's feet ultimately providing you little or no service and finally turns its back on your medical necessities.

If they did it with a gun, they would have been arrested. Three strikes and they're in. But now, they can arrogantly accomplish it with the aid and comfort of rented legislators, purchased by lobbyists in the clear light of day.

This Must Stop! Support a Robust Public Option, and dismantle the Blood$uckers that thrive by bankrupting Americans

* "We CHOSE, to go NAKED."
The term used by the Insurance industry to refer to people who cannot afford to be cheated by the RIGGED GAME they run.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chris Matthews denies any chance! - MTP 10/18

Oct 18th - from Meet the Press

Matthews tries to BOX OUT the Public Option. Will there be SNOW?
Don't they know it's over?,

CM: Obama is stuck between the WILD-NET ROOTS and the hard core pragmatists and conservatives in his own party.
His opening question, why won't they admit a PUBLIC OPTION is impossible?

RWS: Cause it isn't Chris - we're not dead yet. And all the LOBBYISTS will all their Checks can't make it so.

How in the world does the president deliver a public option, when so many are against it? There are many who are searching for alternatives. A public option could be left to the states? Is it a trigger that doesn't really work a solution? - Will it work to close the discussion, if its fake?

RWS: We're watching - Matthews - we won't be fooled again.

Andrew Sullivan - There is a fiscally conservative argument that it will decrease the deficit!

RWS: Imagine Sullivan, and open-minded conservative!

CM: Lieberman defends the insurance companies of Connecticut - surprise - he openly saying he's here for the Insurance Companies.

RWS: I'm shocked, shocked - to see the state of Hartford's investment is paying off!

CM: Is this an out for the left? If it hadn't been for the economy - maybe we might have had a Public Option???

BS Matthews - This is not an excuse not to change the paradigm. The sacred marketplace has demonstrably failed.

Andrew Sullivan says the economy will work in the favor of a public option. People are afraid of being without care - The alternative is the insurance companies running things - They haven't done a good job, let's looked at reality - Maybe we should try a Public Option. We have the insurance companies in charge and they aren't responsible to anyone. Lets try it out -

CM: Your so close to the BLOGOSPHERE...Andrew is speaking for the progressive side.

RWS - because he's prepared to think, and not buy your premise?

CM: They just can't spend money on this. Here's our poll.
Do Dem leaders know that the Public Option is dead -

Sullivan :
Don't count out the president. The White House thinks in the long game - Sullivan: the White House still thinks its possible.

CM: Where is the Republican party is all of this?

Rather: Republican party is the party of NO?
Sullivan: They are well branded as the branding of NO - Republicans are drowning - The Tea-Party effort has worked against them.

Oct. 18th From Face the Nation [on Health Care]

FTN: Will you support taxing the Cadillac Insurance Plans?

Rahm Emmanuel: addressed this is the disincentive - critics on the right - now defenders
there is a way to protect working families - offer plans that offer plans that run up premiums
HC premiums will go up 10% largest increase in decades

FTN: Is the president still supportive of the Public Option?

Rahm Emmanuel: He [the president] spoke to [Public Options] it as a part of the effort to enhance competition and it shall bring down costs. 2nd while the PO is important but it is not the defining part of Health Care reform.

FTN: When will the president get involved?

Rahm Emmanuel: He's been active from the beginning, it's been debated by 5 presidents in the part. In just a few weeks it will be coming to the floor. The President, Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid have all been working on it for the last 8 months thats why we've seen the progress we have so far, and thats why the bills are all so similar. An effort has had input in by all the parties.

So Mr. Emmanuel at least wants to appear supportive of Health care reform.

solidarity & peace


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

$en. Neslon - "his proposal would disrupt the market."

Sen. Bill Nelson (Fla.) asked Rockefeller if he could respond to a charge that "his proposal would disrupt the market."

Yes, $enator Nelson, the NON-STOP greed fest would be disrupted.

Yes $enator Nelson- the bloody feasting on the wallets and the entrails will be ... "DISRUPTED!"

Disruption would occur to a system where well gowned gem bedecked and mink-trimmed executives, would chuckle as they waltz passed dying patients, locked outside the hospital doors. Delay could teach them a new step!

Yes, $enator we hope to disrupt a FREE MARKET PROCESS that snickers at families who can't afford mortgages

they sure can't afford health insurance that costs even more than mortgages - they call it "going naked" - like it was a fashion choice - We DO hope to DISRUPT THAT.

$enator Nelson we also hope to disupt your CU$HY HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY TOO since you have clearly aligned yourself with the forces of GREED AND MALICE?

Let's see, how dare we even consider any disruption of an INDUSTRY that bankrupts thousands of Americans every day?

DISRUPT? $enator, the greed heads who relished slavery are with you - the Goons that ran poorhouses and child-labor factories are solid behind you. Just like the Insurance Executives who drafted the finance committee legislation, and bankroll ghoul$ like you and $enator Baucus.

They're with you on the GOOD $HIP GREED but that little trip will be disrupted too - enjoy your $ENATORIAL LIFE$TYLE

as you lie in the teeth of working Floridians. You and Baucus, may just find the MARKET for health Insurance SHILLS DISRUPTED TOO!
You and Baucus and Lieberman can hang a shingle out together

You can either represent Floridans, or you will find your "market" disrupted.

solidarity & peace
RIck Spisak
Citizen's Coalition for the Future of martin County Health Care

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Late to Reform

Response - Stuart News Letter to the Editor


The pretense of fiscal responsibility that the republicans promote is laughable. When I say republican party (I mean the corporate-greed party) this party, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lobbyists INC..They cannot pretend any honest interest in budgets, after they slavishly supported a president who turned a BIG surplus into a black hole of a deficit.

The republicans who controlled both the White House and Congress never included in the budget, the little things like the WAR ON IRAQ, PAKISTAN, IRAN, and AFGHANISTAN none of which they added into the OFFICIAL BUDGET?

Obviously a surprise attack is one thing - but year after year of war across numerous borders with NO pretense of OVERSIGHT on War Profiteers, Gigantic Embassy Construction Projects featuring BIGGER Cost Over-Runs and more "Mercenaries Gone Wild" than even soldiers at war?
Cost Containment? Fiscal Responsibility not their thing!

These republicans who could swallow years of War-Profiteers UNCHAINED are NOW going to pinch pennies on Health care for Americans???

Does it seem funny to you, we can't afford health care for Americans but they never questioned Bush providing taxpayer funded Universal Health care for Iraqis? Which the tea-baggers paid for without fear, fuss or hate-speech!

America let's improve our health care - If every other country in the western world can afford health care? Why can't we? Are we so poor, and backward we can't provide the health care that every other civilized western country in the world can. I don't think so!

solidarity & peace
Rick Spisak

Friday, September 4, 2009

Response to a Letter to the Editor

"Time for change, but not government-run health care"

Is the use of the word "socialism" enough, is that all it takes for you to fear change?
Is a national [government run] POSTAL SYSTEM, socialism? Is a national hurricane center socialism? Is a national education system, a national guard? Is the Coast Guard, socialism because it is a NATIONAL SOLUTION?

Merely because we work together doesn't make it inherently evil? We have city governments, county, state and national governments each to solve certain problems, by pooling resources, we solve big problems.

We decided that we would encourage workers to own homes, we decided on a national level that soldiers who served should have national help to attend college. Nationally we decided that the "free market" should be compelled to pay a MINIMUM WAGE. We decided that children shouldn't work. That children under 16 should attend schools. These were regarded by "conservative" opinion makers, as unnecessary interference in the "FREE MARKET".

Society benefited, from these advances. Medical care, guided strictly by a profit-making principle has gotten us to a place where company's have placed the costs of healthcare beyond the reach of many working Americans. Thoughtful progressive minded Americans have analyzed the problem and proposed a solution of that would diminish the significance of the profit motive.

The purpose of Health Care reform is to improve access to healthcare for all Americans. We have made a compact with our society to provide emergency care, why is a Healthy America such a cause of fear in so many. Is a healthy America where parents can get necessary medicine for their children or when grandma needs surgery, she can get it without Bankrupting her children, really a EVIL CONCEPT? Why does this frighten you? Why are you so fearful? Why is a system that enriches a few, while bankrupting thousands a better idea? Defend that ! Explain why Insurance Company CEOs making millions is a better idea, Explain that!

We work together to obtain clean water, we work together to educate our children, why can't we pool our resources, and make Americans healthier? I think a healthy America is a patriotic idea!

solidarity & peace
Rick Spisak

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

He has no time for YOU?

Senator Nelson

You have no time to advocate for health care for Americans? But, you have time to tour Asia? You have time to worry about snakes in the Everglades but no time to fight for health care?

Why have you not found the time to make access to health care a priority?

You have been involved in INSURANCE for decades, You were Florida's Insurance Commission for years! You know better than most, that the primary mission of the Insurance Industries isn't providing Access to Health Care - It's maximizing profits - You know this - You've known it for years. Think golden parachutes, and gem encrusted CEOs, long golfing trips extravagant bonuses, CEOs who regularly take home millions of dollars, that should be providing health care access to millions?

You, Senator are our employee, we provide you and yours with health care? Your wife will not be refused care, because she has a pre-existing condition. Other Americans will!

Why should any American be refused care, or forced to pay budget busting fees or be driven to bankruptcy, or simply be callously be turned away in time of need.

You have said, when you bothered to share your perspective. "Maybe we can cut duplicative care?" Cutting care? Are you serious? That will improve access? You will find the truth in your heart? Where will we find a Senator, who will put our interests ahead of lobbyists?

When will your advocacy begin for your constituents?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Health Care Town Hall at the foot of the Palm City bridge

"I agree that I will listen and speak when called upon. I agree that the only way a civil discussion can occur is if participants agree to be respectful of all speakers, I agree or not I will join in the civil discussion."

I greeted each attendee with a question. Would you like to speak tonight? I'm requesting each participant sign this agreement for civility. I believe it encouraged participants and audience members alike to behave civilly. After the guests signed I offered them a speaker's card. I had made up speakers cards, and had planned to allot 3 minutes to each speaker. And allowing for opening comments and some time for announcements that would be close to the 2 hours, for which we'd rented the room.

Over fifty people attended our town hall meeting and of everyone I asked I only had two refuse to sign, One gentleman ANGRILY denounced me for insulting him in such a manner. Asking him to be civil - what gall! [REAL GALL MEDICAL INSURANCE SALARIES]

I tried to explain that while most people would behave no other way, with tempers what they have been, recently some people need added reassurance that there would be no boorish behavior. One refuser, later did agree to sign so he could get a speaking part. He was an Iraq vet who ultimately did agreed that if anything happened we should certainly reform insurance. We had over 30 speakers during the evening including two strident supporters of single payer, a teenager with a personal tale and an octogenarian with European health care experience.

Our town hall meeting came on the heels of a very strident town hall held at our local college. It was held at the behest of the local republican congressman. Who is happy it would seem to betray his own constituents for the Insurance blood money that will surely come his way.

The audience was made up in equal parts, of independents, motivated democrats and energized republicans. We had a dedicated contingent of democratic activists and tea-bagger republicans outside with signs, trading perspectives in a mostly genial manner. The occasional intemperate exchange was the exception. I did from time to time need to urge restraint. The majority were people interested in listening to the presentations.

Knowing that with tempers as high as they have been nationally, there was a chance that things could become difficult. I hoped that with the civility pledge and signature, and the speakers numbers to resolve who speaks next we had a shot to achieve a reasonable and polite discourse despite the press and the recent history that suggested that civil discussion was not possible.

We heard passionate tales of health care denied people in need, we had doctors defending their institutions assuring us that no one was ever turned away. We heard from people who spoke of their profound distrust of the government. We had people complain that the Health care reform was not necessary, that it was being rushed through Congress at the behest of an untried president. Some spoke of their personal knowledge of failures of Canadian and European medical care. Others had nothing but praise for their experiences in Britain and Canada. We had people who spoke of the needs of the uninsured and the insured alike to live free of fear of cancellation and bankruptcy. Others spoke of self-induced medical problems, drugs, drink and diabetes, but when challenged that not all medical problems arose from irresponsible behavior the point was conceded, reluctantly but conceded. Some referred to the need for a personal responsibility.

Despite a few cat calls, and a few amens from the energized audience we had an important exchange of opinion and actually shared perspectives across a great political divide, on a topic that is life an death for every American, born and yet unborn. Some people wondered why in this the greatest country, we have such an expensive healthcare system in which children die, when faceless insurance bureaucrats ration care, and children and elderly die. Our last speaker lifted a copy of the Constitution and pointed to the phrase"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare,"

Richard W. Spisak Jr.
Co Chair
Citizen Coalition for the Future of Healthcare in Martin County

Thanks to everyone who made yesterday's Townhall meeting so successful. first I must congratulate my co-chairs Ms. Bonnie Becker and Ms. Amy Wexler, without whose support these activities could not have taken place. And the other members of our coalition who have added their support. Andrew, Edwin, Dave, Maria, Linda and more! Excellent article in the Stuart News.

I also want to thank the good people of the Palm City Recreation Center who also believed that the grownup boys and girls of Martin County could come together and disagree civilly.Thanks Debbie and thanks Dave from the Parks Department.

Martin Memorial did come through with some resource links for us to share with you! Take a look here! [Martin Memorial Update.




The Healthcare Economist Analyzes the current proposals this way

August 20, 2009 in Current Events | No comments

Are you in favor of reform of the health care system or not? This question is difficult to answer because few people know what reforms are actually being proposed. Do not worry, the Healthcare Economist is here to help.

Currently, there are four major plans on the table:

  • Senate Finance Committee Policy Options. The plan has an individual mandate, creates a Health Insurance Exchange for individuals and small businesses to purchase insurance, gives subsidies to individuals/families with income between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty line (FPL), expands Medicaid and SCHIP, allows a temporary buy-in for pre-Medicare population.
  • Senate HELP Committee Affordable Health Choice Act. The plan has an individual mandate, creates state-based American Health Benefit Gateways for individuals and small businesses, subsidies available for individuals/families with incomes up to 400% of FPL, employer “pay or play” mandate with exceptions for small employers, expands Medicaid to all individuals with incomes up to 150% FPL.
  • House Tri-Committee America’s Affordable Health Choice Act of 2009 (H.R. 3200). The plan has an individual mandate, creastes a health insurance exchange for individuals and small employers, has cost sharing credits for families up to 400% of FPL, “pay or play” mandate, expands Medicaid to 133% FPL.
  • President Obama Principles for Health Reform. Mr. Obama has a set of general guidelines to follow which include: reducing long term health care costs, protecting families from healthcare-related bankruptcies, guaranteed choice of doctor, investment in prevention, the ability to maintain coverage when you lose your job, end barriers to coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. [more]


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bill Moyers' Insurance Company Whistle-Blower

Do your self a favor, go to the Bill Moyers' website,
and watch the Episode with Insurance Company Whistle-Blower Mr. Potter

View The Moyers Show on Insurance Company Whistle-blower

The Potter interview on last nights journal and you comments, should serve as a warning, to any thinking American. I will make one small suggestion, the "for sale" sign graphic, that your staff, imposed upon the US Capitol dome should have read, not for sale, but sold.

You tied the same arrogance of the Washington Post recent gold-plated retailing of a Health-Care Legislative "Meet and Greet" faux paux and the impact on the tens of millions lavished via lobbyists on the Insurance Industry shills currently filling the people's seats in Congress.

Mr. Moyers, your adversarial position with Mr. Potter, forcing him to address again and again, the distance between, the gold-plated private plane travel world of the Insurance Industry Insider, and the "swap meet" medicine, he "discovered" in his native Tennessee hills.

Mr. Moyers, again you have done a great service, to the American people. Regrettably your program doesn't reach the same size audience, that viewed the widely publicized celebration of a pop singer. The numbers of uninsured which you characterized than larger than the entire population of Canada was a devastating indictment of the Medical-Insurance-Pharma Combine.

Let me draw a parallel, recently scientists have found that a sense of justice appears down the evolutionary ladder to the canine kingdom. Scientist have discovered that a sense of social fairness is understood by the lowly family dog. During repeated experiments performed with dogs, if two dogs undertaking identical behaviors, yet receive dissimilar rewards, the dogs understand the unfairness. ie. [one dog gets dry biscuits as a reward but for the same behavior, an adjacent dog gets steak] the dog which receives the poorer treat will cease performing, obviously understanding the inherent unfairness.

While dogs it seems can understand basic fairness, Insurance Company CEO showed while testifying, before Congress, showed a moral blindspot. They stated they will continue, with impunity, cut off customers, who have the temerity, to request services that they've paid for. Why is it that dogs can understand unfairness, yet Insurance Company CEOs do not comprehend.

So, American Health Care System suffers what for most people, a pre-existing condition of EXTREME GREED, in both the Insurance Companies, and among the Indentured Servants of Industry presently on a moral holiday in Congress. Americans must demand the KEYS BACK from those employees of the Insurance Companies, who presently fill seats in Congress.

Bill Moyers has again performed a remarkable service.

Richard W. Spisak Jr.
Co Chair, Citizen's Coalition on the Future of Health Care, in Martin County.
View The Moyers Show on Insurance Company Whistle-blower

Monday, June 29, 2009

Where's the Leadership Senator Nelson?

Ms. Fritsch, [Nelson Staffer]

I am currently Co-Chair of the Citizens Commission for the Future of Health Care in Martin County. We had a recent meeting to discuss Senator Nelson's EMPHATIC SILENCE on the single payer option. He sat idly by, while advocates for a single payer option were forced from the hearings by Senator Baucus, who is a recipient of HUGE CAMPAIGN SUPPORT by the Insurance Industry. His actions on their behalf are completely comprehensive. He's a purchased agent.

We are very concerned that Senator Nelson, hasn't yet articulated his support for a public option in the Health Care debate.

I have listened to the Senate Finance Committee hearings and was deeply disappointed in the Senator's silence as the public option was driven from the Committee Hearing.

When the Senate turns a deaf ear, to the public call for an alternative to a system where terms like "OUT OF SERVICE AREA, and PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS are the norm, we are not being served.

When the Profits of Insurance Companies and the Stratospheric Blood Wages of CEOs is a higher priority than healing the sick and providing needed services,
clearly the marketplace is not solving this problem.

Senator Nelson's extensive experience with the INSURANCE INDUSTRY says to me, he's more than familiar with the abuses endemic in the current PROFIT based system. How does taking premiums, without any responsibility for paying for services make these companies, good citizens. They are no better than the robber barons of tobacco and the fire-arms industry.

Senator, we need to hear your leadership voice, not your followership voice. Support a single payer option. Senator Baucus's poison pill which threatens to tax, the few remaining employers who do provide the thin veneer of insurance has done its job, of futher muddying the water.

Senator Nelson, support a single payer option, not just for the uninsured, but for the under-insured. Will medical care in this great country be the province only of the wealthy. Can America afford that? Remember phrases like "promote the general welfare". and Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I think you took an oath? If you or your family has no health, pursuing happiness and life, sir are indeed, OFF THE TABLE.

Senator, lets take the Insurance Company's GREED off the table.

Richard W. Spisak Jr.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Progress Report

The Citizen's Commission on the Future of Health Care in Martin County.

During our first meeting with Children's Services and Martin County Community Services, we were told about an ongoing project to collect data on the current Health Care needs of Martin County's children. We were offered a tour of the project and information on how it is used. Lisa Olds, Executive Director of Martin County's Healthy Start Coalition, offered to arrange it.

After a few inquiries a meeting was scheduled with Alicia Hohsfield Senior WC Advisor, she would explain the project. However after this meeting was scheduled, I got a call from Nicole King. the Executive Director of the Whole Child Connection of Martin County. She proposed that we meet and she could provide me with an overview of the project. Initially I thought this would be a supplemental meeting, but it became clear that this conference would replace the meeting scheduled with Ms. Hohsfield. Ms. King, provided a brief history and the introduction to Martin County's Whole Child Project.

Ms King, explained that the system was launched in 2006. She also outlined her hopes that the system will eventually provide comprehensive information on the health care needs of Martin's children. The website, online since 2006 is slowly accumulating participants. We took a look at the online survey, that makes up the Whole Child Project (data input form) and I shared my perspective as a Web Marketing professional, familiar with the limitations inherent in gathering information online. Online forms collecting contact data for social services and commercial purposes share many of the same constraints. Issues of privacy and question fatigue limit participation. There is a direct proportion between length of a survey, and the number of participants willing to complete it.

NOTE: Registration in this program requires the completion of a comprehensive medical and financial questionnaire. [click here for sample screen captures]

One serious limitation the project suffers, is that they have no budget to promote wider participation. There is no ongoing promotional plan to encourage broader participation. Currently the user-base is quite narrow, and skewed toward economically disadvantaged populations. This makes it's data interesting but not yet as powerful as it might be due to the current limited enrollment.

It seems that since we share a mutual goal to understand the Medical Needs of Martin County we have a mutuality of interests.
Maybe we can find a way to support the outreach campaign.

Ms. King and I also discussed some of the other Martin County Health Care facts that have come to our attention in the last few weeks. A few interesting facts; the Medicaid program is broken in Martin County.
I overheard two current Medicaid applicants* discussing their experiences trying to obtain health care through a system in which the "official" access list is so out of date, that no name on it, actually provides service. And the closest doctor still willing to undertake Medicaid services is in Palm Beach County. And he has a waiting list. Ms. King agreed to contribute an essay for the
Health Care Guest Column Series planned for the Stuart News. She also had some suggestions for additional Health Care contacts who might also contribute.

Attending a meeting of the Martin County's Future Group**, and heard a presentation by the Firefighters Union, where I learned that Union Firefighters serving in Martin County actually "gave back" a scheduled salary increase last year so that Martin County could buy a new Firetruck and Ambulance. [despite which, Martin County still has no backup Ambulance].

NOTE: Another fact gleaned at that same
Future Group meeting, during a recent two day period with one Ambulance out for repair, two regions had to share an ambulance. In addition until just recently, the Fire Rescue staff has been so low, that to attain even minimum state mandated staffing, extensive overtime was required of our Fire rescue personnel.

Updated 4/4/09
Rick Spisak
Co Chair
Citizen's Commission on the Future of Health Care in Martin County

*One of these Medicaid Applicants has agreed to write up their experience for our Health Care Column Series
** Next Meeting 4/16/09

Friday, March 13, 2009

Our first Health Care Meeting went very well

We met with three professionals very engaged in improving Health Care access in Martin County. Dave Heaton, Executive Director, Children's Services Council of Martin County, Cheryl Bass, Director of the Martin County Community Services Department, and Lisa Olds Executive Director Martin County Healthy Start Coalition.

Executive Director Heaton, our host. was very interested in our mission, (to raise public awareness of Health Care access issues in Martin County). He was a careful listener and when he spoke, always offered a suggestion or a contact that could be helpful. Often his suggestion would elicit even more information from Cheryl & Lisa. He also broached the subject of a study currently underway which had not yet completed it's public input component. We may very well be able to assist in generating additional public interest in the subject. This could provide a perfect opportunity for us to fulfill the need for a fuller public discussion of health care resource availability. If we can help support public input to an ongoing research project, our timing couldn't be better. This could provide a perfect avenue for our participation and would be helpful to the community at large.

They expressed an interest in our Diagram of the Public/Health Care matrix. It seems they'd recently created a very similar diagram. Ms. Bass Director of the Martin County Community Services Department brought a wonderful selection of documents for our review (They will become part of our Final Report) including a recent document (October '08) prepared for the Martin County Commission called Martin County Health Issues. Headings like 1. Access to Health Care, with sub headings (a) Health Insurance Coverage (b) Cultural Barriers to Health Care and Health Disparities, (c) Transportation, (d) Lack of Access to Health Care Providers, (e) Insufficient Capacity in the Health Care System, 2. Maternal and Child Health, 3. Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, 4. Substance Abuse, 5. Oral Health Care, 6. School Health, 7. Environmental Health.

The document summary included this powerful statement:

"... Government at all levels has a significant role in providing for and protecting the health of it's citizens. County government is no exception. Florida Statutes cite as the purpose and intent of county administration "... an adequate and efficient provision of services to the citizens in this state, that provides for coordinated administration of county departments to better protect the health, welfare, and safety, and quality of life of the residents..." The health, welfare, and safety, and quality of life of our residents are challenged on many levels. Without a sound economy, without decent jobs, families find themselves everyday unable to access medical care, unable to pay their rent or mortgage, unable to access dental care, eyeglasses, medications, mental health counseling and other "non-essential services". The increase in needs has hit every health and human service agency in the county. One need only look at the number of restaurants that have closed recently to know that the financial underpinnings of our county are crumbling. And with it, is a major threat to a diminishing of the health, safety, welfare and quality of life of our residents. ... [ed Emphasis Added]

The answers to complex issues such as housing and economic development, the environment and sustainability, are complex in and of themselves, by necessity. Health care approaches are also complex. But they cannot be ignored, if we are to protect the health of our citizens and the health of our community as a whole."

Director Bass also provided a report entitled 2008 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey. Another report she's offered was titled Problems in Paradise "The Peoples of Palm Beach & Martin County Speak Up" dated 2006. She also provided our commission the 2003 District 9 Health plan, which although somewhat dated does provide insight into not just the situation as understood in 2003, but also provides an opportunity to track the progress from the tactics developed for the issues of 2003 but how those approaches have fared half a decade later. We were also provided a copy of the 2004 Community Health Planning Initiative (subtitled a Report to the Community). And finally the 2002, Communities for a Lifetime, Elder Ready Initiative. The Commission will find these reports and studies a crucial resource as we prepare our analysis of the challenges facing the citizens of Martin County in the decade ahead.

We discussed our plan to create public forums for medical professionals to discuss the Health Care challenges from their perspective as well as the possibility for the public to discuss their perspectives on services and access issues they face. Director Heaton, suggested that the Futures Group might be interested in partnering with us to facilitate the public meetings. They are very active in creating public forums to improve the county. Executive Director Olds offered to put me in touch with the Futures Group. She also suggested that we participate in the "provider training" which could give us an idea of the data collection process that is currently underway to provide "REAL-TIME" Health Care utilization data in our county.

We talked about several of the widely recognized pinch points, in the Health Care system just a few of which are Mental Health, Elder care, Substance abuse, and of course the Gorilla in the room, the impact of the strains in the economy, which can only exacerbate access to already limited resources. This was an auspicious beginning to what should prove to be a good working relationship with just a few of the people who work every day to make Health Care accessible to the citizens of Martin County.

We left a few questions on the table, we hope to determine, the "standard" approximate fees for broken limbs, X-rays, MRIs and standard fees for childbirth (as an information resource). We want to raise these Health Care access issues so that as the budget discussions arise in Tallahassee, and Washington DC, there will be an informed debate which addresses current budgetary constraints and the real-impact of potential additional budgetary shortfalls.

RW Spisak Jr.
CoChair The Citizens Commission on the Future of Health Care in Martin County

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Selection Committee

The Selection Committee for the Citizens Commission
on the Future of Health Care in Martin County

The purpose of the committee is to identify panelists who would be called upon to speak to their expertise on the current health care conditions facing Martin County and the region.

The Health Care Panel Project's goal is to stimulate a two fold conversation,

Part One a discussion before the public among the diverse health care community professionals, engaged in health care delivery along with interested public officials who would also share their perspectives on Medical Care Delivery in Martin County.

Part Two would open these discussions to public participation providing a forum for their perspective and questions on these same issues.

The result would be a REPORT of the Committee on The Status of Health Care in Martin County 2009.

This report might assist public officials and health care professionals and planners better achieve a comprehensive perspective on the current issues and hopefully illuminate what future lies ahead. Maybe our cumulative wisdom would surface some useful and productive ideas.

This is a NON-PARTISAN PANEL and will hope earnestly that people with a wide range of political opinion might participate. I hope you can assist by participating on our panel of electors and make candid recommendations for panelists. Our panel of electors will select, the panelists by secret ballot.

Most of our communication can be electronic and we anticipate no more than two meetings will be required of our selection committee. i will circulate among those who agree to participate, an excel file that we can all annotate our accumulating recommendations for proposed panelists.

I hope we can select approximately 10-20 panelists who would be prepared to make a 10 minute presentation and then participate in discussions among the panelists on day one, and with the public on day two of the Public Forums.

It is my hope that we can bring the panel together for preliminary discussions by the end of March and have our Public Presentations by April or May at the latest.

I hope we can raise issues that because of their illumination can guide County, State and Federal representatives. Can this help guide discussions of America's Health Care Future? I hope so, and by providing a forum for these discussions, we can be part of the evolution of Health Care Services accessible to our fellow citizens.

I hope you will consider participating as an elector and help select panelists for these forums. I want your help, and need your wisdom. If you cannot participate maybe you can recommend someone as an elector - please let me know.

Thank you for your time - We can make this a better world

Richard Spisak Jr & Amy Wexler
Co Chairs

The Citizens Commission on the Future of Health Care in Martin County

The Citizens Commission on the Future of Health Care in Martin County.

I would like to ask you, thoughtful committed people to help me identify panelists who might be called upon to speak to their expertise on the current health care conditions facing Martin County and the region.

As many of you know, my goal is to hold a two fold conversation, part one a discussion before the public among the diverse health care community professionals, engaged in health care delivery and planning along with interested public officials who would share their perspectives on our current situation. Part two would open these discussions to the public participation providing a forum for their perspective and questions on these same issues.

The result would be a REPORT of the Committee on The Status of Health Care in Martin County 2009.

This report might assist public officials and health care professionals and planners better achieve a comprehensive perspective on the current issues and hopefully illuminate what future lies ahead. Maybe our cumulative wisdom would surface some useful and productive ideas.

I view this as a NON-PARTISAN PANEL and will hope earnestly that people with a wide range of political opinion might participate. I hope you can assist by participating on our panel of electors and make candid recommendations for panelists. Our panel of electors will select, the panelists by secret ballot.

I promise not to waste your time with lengthly meetings. My job will be to locate a site, and date for these public hearings. And I will welcome your assistance in identifying potential civic support and the necessary media sponsorship so the public and professionals alike might benefit from these discussions. I anticipate most of our communication can be electronic and I hope that no more than two preliminary meetings will be required of our selection committee. i will circulate among those who agree to participate, an excel file that we can all annotate to accumulate recommendations for proposed panelists.

I hope we can select approximately 10-20 panelists who would be prepared to make a 10 minute presentation and then participate in discussions among the panelists on day one, and with the public on day two of the Public Forums.

It is my hope that we can bring the panel together for preliminary discussions by the end of March and have our Public Presentations by April or May at the latest.

I hope we can raise issues that because of their illumination can guide County, State and Federal representatives. Can this help guide discussions of America's Health Care Future? I hope so, and by providing a forum for these discussions, we can be part of the evolution of Health Care Services accessible to our fellow citizens.

I hope you will consider participating as an elector and help select panelists for these forums. I want your help, and need your wisdom. If you cannot participate
maybe you can recommend someone as an elector - please let me know.

Thank you for your time -
We can make this a better world

Richard W. Spisak Jr.
The Citizens Commission on the Future of Health Care in Martin County