Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Say Yes, to a Robust Public Option

We must dismantle the deadly practice of health care rationing by the private insurance companies answerable to no one. Dollars should not determine whether children and families should suffer and die when treatment options are available. I have worked as a technical and creative professional for over 20 years. The majority of small businesses who have employed me and other technical professionals like me, offer no insurance. My wife and I both suffer from conditions that stem from a life joyously and fully led.

The Medical Insurance industry uses the term "pre-existing conditions" to deny coverage or services, or simply refuse to honor contractual obligations. When last my wife and I priced even a minimum medical catastrophic coverage, the monthly fees were nearly double a mortgage obtained during the real estate bubble. Three mortgages are not in our budget - so as the gentlemen from the Health Insurance Lobbying Wing of the House would have it -
"We CHOSE, to go NAKED.*"

We can not as educators, and artists, afford to pay a monthly fee double our mortgages, especially knowing that the areas of our greatest medical necessity are preemptively ruled out as "pre-existing conditions". The effect of current Medical Insurance practice is that the Medical Insurance industry will take your money, promptly each month and then drag it's feet ultimately providing you little or no service and finally turns its back on your medical necessities.

If they did it with a gun, they would have been arrested. Three strikes and they're in. But now, they can arrogantly accomplish it with the aid and comfort of rented legislators, purchased by lobbyists in the clear light of day.

This Must Stop! Support a Robust Public Option, and dismantle the Blood$uckers that thrive by bankrupting Americans

* "We CHOSE, to go NAKED."
The term used by the Insurance industry to refer to people who cannot afford to be cheated by the RIGGED GAME they run.

1 comment:

  1. "My wife and I both suffer from conditions that stem from a life joyously and fully led" Suffer, sounds like you had a good time, drinking leads to hangover there, Rick. No wonder you want a robust public option, you want everyone else to pay for your "joyously and fully led" life, and I've met you and I know you're not kidding when you say "fully." Usually, it's some kind of sob story that is used here, but it's no lie. A good time was had, and now lets stick the bill with the taxpayer!!
