Monday, June 29, 2009

Where's the Leadership Senator Nelson?

Ms. Fritsch, [Nelson Staffer]

I am currently Co-Chair of the Citizens Commission for the Future of Health Care in Martin County. We had a recent meeting to discuss Senator Nelson's EMPHATIC SILENCE on the single payer option. He sat idly by, while advocates for a single payer option were forced from the hearings by Senator Baucus, who is a recipient of HUGE CAMPAIGN SUPPORT by the Insurance Industry. His actions on their behalf are completely comprehensive. He's a purchased agent.

We are very concerned that Senator Nelson, hasn't yet articulated his support for a public option in the Health Care debate.

I have listened to the Senate Finance Committee hearings and was deeply disappointed in the Senator's silence as the public option was driven from the Committee Hearing.

When the Senate turns a deaf ear, to the public call for an alternative to a system where terms like "OUT OF SERVICE AREA, and PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS are the norm, we are not being served.

When the Profits of Insurance Companies and the Stratospheric Blood Wages of CEOs is a higher priority than healing the sick and providing needed services,
clearly the marketplace is not solving this problem.

Senator Nelson's extensive experience with the INSURANCE INDUSTRY says to me, he's more than familiar with the abuses endemic in the current PROFIT based system. How does taking premiums, without any responsibility for paying for services make these companies, good citizens. They are no better than the robber barons of tobacco and the fire-arms industry.

Senator, we need to hear your leadership voice, not your followership voice. Support a single payer option. Senator Baucus's poison pill which threatens to tax, the few remaining employers who do provide the thin veneer of insurance has done its job, of futher muddying the water.

Senator Nelson, support a single payer option, not just for the uninsured, but for the under-insured. Will medical care in this great country be the province only of the wealthy. Can America afford that? Remember phrases like "promote the general welfare". and Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I think you took an oath? If you or your family has no health, pursuing happiness and life, sir are indeed, OFF THE TABLE.

Senator, lets take the Insurance Company's GREED off the table.

Richard W. Spisak Jr.

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